Tips For Creating Engaging Corporate Videos

Tips For Creating Engaging Corporate Videos

Admittedly, the term “corporate video” can be less than exciting when it comes to grabbing the attention of customers and prospects.

With the right content and a few basic tools, any business can create engaging, high-quality corporate video that will help you continue your relationship with existing customers and bring in new prospects and new prospects means new business. To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of tips for creating an attention grabbing corporate video. Video Production can be a struggle without the know how.

Tips For Creating Engaging Corporate Videos

– Consider what information your business has to share and do your research. Great customer testimonials can be translated into video, giving your prospects an easy way to see the benefits of your product or service. For complex products, a quick video overview can be a simple, engaging way to help your prospects learn more about your offering. Do you have an industry or other relevant knowledge your customers and prospects would be interested in? Share it by video. A restaurant could offer instructional cooking videos, or a craft store could create videos with step-by-step directions for many kinds of projects.

– Create a plan for your video. A great plan for your video will produce a better end-result and will help streamline the actual filming and editing process, in addition to making your actors (whether you choose to use paid actors or employees) more comfortable. Plan your flow of the video, being sure to include an introduction and closing as well as links and phone numbers so it is easy for your potential clients to get in touch with you. You’ll also need to determine if the video should be pre-scripted, or if you will allow the actor to ad-lib around your general guidelines. Keep in mind that the ideal video length is less than 3 minutes (and shorter is always better, if you can get your message across more quickly).

Branded Corporate Documentary

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Get an outside opinion. Here’s where a little brutal honesty comes in handy. Request a second opinion on your video concept and plan from coworkers, friends, or industry experts. Re-evaluate your plan and considering how your target audience may perceive it, and how the tone of the video will impact your brand. While humor can be a great tool for keeping viewers engaged, your video content also represents your brand – so be very careful when using such content. If you’re going for the laugh, make sure you don’t fall short– what’s funny to you might not amuse your target audience. Don’t be afraid to revisit your idea if you feel it is not the right direction.

Don’t disregard production value. While M&M’s “Sexy and I Know It” definitely meets the mark for being engaging, the cost of producing something similar isn’t in the budget for most small and medium businesses. That said, it’s easy to create a high-quality video using just a few basic tools, including a video camera, basic sound equipment. Clean audio is critical when it comes to production value, and your set can also be a great contributor to a quality video. A simple white backdrop is perfect for instructional or product videos. An office space is a great space to shoot your video. One thing you need to remember. You could either hire a video production company or spend money on some decent gear and shoot it yourself. There are video production companies that specialize in corporate video production like BusyBoy Productions,, that can produce a professional quality corporate video for as little as $3000. They also do consulting on how to set up your own studio at your place of business and will even come to your business and set it up for you for a small fee.

Broadcast your video – Very Important. Post your video on sites like YouTube, Google Video and Vimeo. Then communicate about it to potential customers and prospects, through social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, and your blog. Train your employees to share the video link with customers, and include the link in email communications. Keeping a video library on your website makes it easy for interested prospects to view relevant content. Word-of-mouth can play an important role in sharing your video – when you have created the right engaging content, customers and prospects will be happy to share your video with others.
How is your business using corporate video?

If you need help through this process you can always reach out to video production companies like BusyBoy Production. They are great for guiding you through this process and suggesting the proper equipment to produce a high quality corporate video.

Corporate Video Production, Training Videos, Training Video Production, Video Production, Business Marketing, Web Video Production, Video Producers, Corporate Video Producers, Corporate Video Directors, Corporate Video Creators, Minneapolis Video Production

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