When producing a business video, avoid trying to include as much information as you can fit into a given time domain. Instead, keep your video short and to the point. Studies have shown that on average single-topic videos that range from 30 to 90 seconds in length receive the most views. Given that now more than ever people desire instant gratification, by keeping your business video precise and dialed into a single thought, it will also increase your engagement metrics tremendously.
Promoting Through Social Channels
Professional is Key
One of the main ways to produce this content would be to use a DSLR camera. They can be expensive, but they are well worth the quality they can output. A professional corporate type of video should bring out the best side of the company and having the high-quality video resolution is definitely a start on the right path.
Now, this can often make or break a video especially on the corporate side is using music. You want to be able to find music in the background that is creative commons or copyright free to avoid any conflicts in the future. However — the music you often listen to in your car whether it be rap, pop or country is not okay in this video. It needs to be more background music that flows with the voices that are inside of the video that makes it better — or should make it better, not worse.
One of the main problems I see time and time again with these companies who are producing corporate videos is not having any editing skills and may be afraid to hire an outsider. I have personally on both sides at one point or another and it can be hard. It’s completely okay. I would highly recommend using Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere in that order for editing high-quality content.
Final Cut Pro is basically the top of the line editing for real video footage. Most movies or commercials are edited in this program and it’s not exactly made for beginners but it can be easy to learn over a weekend how to become an expert. It requires a Mac computer and 249.99 for the app inside of the app store so this option can be pricey.
Sony Vegas 13 is an awesome program for beginners and experts alike. However, it can range from 250.00 – 600.00 dollars. It’s not the most expensive choice or the easiest to use editing program, but it makes for great video productions of amateur and professional levels.
Adobe Premier is a great cheaper alternative to the other programs in the list with offering a monthly license from Adobe Cloud for around 29.99 per month. It allows for great cheaper alternatives of the programs on these lists. Offers close to the same features as Sony Vegas, less than Final cut, but easier to use for beginners.
Thumbails can make or break yourvideo. Most thumbnails are made in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator to make a business thumbnail in a high-resolutiontion image.
Titles, descriptions and tags are important on the video as well as placing the logo of the company inside.
Michael Russell | Director of Digital Marketing
There Must be Vision
Every corporation has a mission and vision for its destination, a good corporate video has to show the viewer what the company is all about. What are their goals are, what the company has envisioned to achieve. To be able to show this in a video compels the viewers to stick around and see the end of the message.Thought provoking, a corporate video needs to have something that makes it different from the rest. What makes your product or service the best or better than the competition? Make your viewer think differently and see your company as a unique entity that no other company has been.
Emotion is the final ingredient in a successful video. You will need to get an emotional response from your viewer. No matter what you are selling, if you can extract an emotional response, you will have a customer for life. Creating a brand the connects will have a better ROI than a better product that has no connection, to its customer.
Jeremy Perez | Focal Exposure
Remember: Video is Simply a Tool